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Do you know of an interesting event around you promoting green recovery? Are you involved with an intervention? We want to know! Do you have an event you’d like to promote? Please note we’ll only accept events that have a digital presence.

World Water Week 2023

Online & in Stockholm, Sweden , Sweden

CONFERENCE - World Water Week 2023 Seeds of Change: Innovative Solutions for […]

Seventh GEF Assembly

Vancouver, Canada , Canada

The Seventh GEF Assembly will mark moment of hope for the global […]

Climate Mobility + International Law Training


Please join ICAAD and GGRC for an interactive training on climate-induced displacement and international law. All experience and knowledge levels are welcome. The training will feature the launch of ICAAD’s Right to Life with Dignity Policy Paper, which proposes a new framework to expand legal protections for those displaced by the climate crisis.

UN Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP 28)

Dubai, United Arab Emirates Expo City, United Arab Emirates

Overview UNFCCC website | COP 28 host country website | Spotlight on climate action In 2023, […]